=============================================================== Name: TeleWeapon Patch Version: 1.1 08/28/96 Author: Ronald E. Mercer (the_DM) rmercer@interramp.com Quake Version: 1.01 Registered QC Files Modified: TRIGGERS.QC COMBAT.QC WEAPONS.QC =============================================================== What's New Since v1.0 ===================== I've decided that the TeleWeapon Patch is going to be used to add features to Quake which should have been in the game to begin with. Nothing new with teleportation. Instead, I've made a few enhancements to the Lightning Gun. I fixed an annoying "bug" which would kill/gib players standing near, but not in, the water when someone discharged with the Lightning Gun. This has happened to me a few times, and I hear numerous people complain about it in my LAN games, so I fixed it. When shooting the Lightning Gun into the water (and you are NOT in the water), players in the water will now take 1 point of damage. Damage will continue until the player either gets out of the water, or gets far enough away from the lightning bolt. Description =========== This patch does the following: ] Allows you to shoot certain projectile weapons, items, and gibs, through teleporters. ] Modifies the Lightning Gun to no longer kill players not in the water when discharging. ] Modifies the Lightning Gun to do a small amount of damage to players in the water when shot into the water. Only works if you are NOT in the water when you shoot the Lightning Gun. Otherwise, you'll discharge and are toast. The following weapons can be teleported: Nail Gun, Super Nail Gun, Grenade Launcher, and Rocket Launcher. The following items can be teleported: Backpacks and Gibs. Client Installation =================== 1. Create a subdirectory called "TELEWEP" in your Quake directory. 2. Copy "PROGS.DAT" from this archive to the "TELEWEP" directory you just created. 3. Launch Quake with this added command line parameter: "-game telewep". (i.e. "quake -game telewep") Server Installation =================== 1. Create a subdirectory called "TELEWEP" in your Quake directory. 2. Copy "PROGS.DAT" from this archive to the "TELEWEP" directory you just created. 3. Launch Quake with this added command line parameter: "-game telewep". (i.e. "quake -game telewep") Clients do not need this patch if your server is running with the patch loaded. Clients will automatically inherit the patch from the Server. Notes ===== This is my first attempt at patching Quake, so bear with me. If you have any constructive comments or suggestions, please e-mail me. Known Problems ============== Rockets and Nails don't always get teleported. Sometimes you have to shoot the teleporter "just right" in order for them to go through. Grenades always seem to work. After a Rocket or a Nail is teleported, its velocity is reduced. I guess I don't really consider any of these problems to be that important. The problems add a level of randomness to this patch, which I like.